Luiz Henrique Vale Silva

Luiz Henrique Vale Silva

I became member of CEU in September 2024, and have previously performed my research at U. Valencia (2019-2024), U. Sussex (2017-2019) and Inst. Jozef Stefan (2016-2017), after having completed my Ph.D. at U. Paris-Sud/U. Paris-Saclay (2013-2016). Before that, I have been enrolled in the high-energy physics master, and engineering programs at Ecole polytechnique in Lozere (2010-2013), and the physics bachelor course at U. Sao Paulo (2006-2009). I have obtained a Marie Sklodowska-Curie individual fellowship to perform my research, and an Eiffel excellence grant for my studies, among other grants.

In my research, I am mostly interested in tests of the Standard Model of particle physics, in particular processes that violate Charge-Parity symmetry in the quark sector, which requires the determination of both perturbative and non-perturbative theoretical inputs to account for Quantum Chromodynamics effects. In this respect, I perform combined extractions of fundamental parameters of the Standard Model as a member of the CKMfitter collaboration ( I am also interested in extensions of the Standard Model, such as the analysis of effective operators relying on Standard Model symmetries and particle content. I have also worked on model building, and am interested in future collider experiments and future computing technologies.

I have presented my work in multiple prestigious international conferences and workshops of my field, such as Moriond EW 24, CKM23, EPS-HEP23, ICHEP22, CKM21, EPS-HEP21, ICHEP20, FPCP 2020, EPS-HEP19, and CKM18. I have 13 publications in the most important journals of my field, that count more than 600 citations, in addition to published reports and conference proceedings. I have co-directed one Ph.D. student and am co-directing a second one, besides supervising the work of other Ph.D. students; I have directed one master student.

Here at CEU I am currently in charge of "seminarios" y "talleres" of mathematics and statistics, and physics. I have participated in "seminarios" at U. Sussex, and "talleres" at U. Paris-Sud/U. Paris-Saclay.